


Whether snorkeling on surface, when we are equipped with mask and snorkel (or with the fins to) observ the underwater life, or freediving - when we are diving into the depth, are popular summer sports. It would be a great mistake if you visit our center without and not to try it.



After all, breathing through a snorkel and gracefully move along the surface can everybody. More experienced freedivers can rent an underwater scooter and enjoy a "wonderful" underwater ride.



Our instructors will gladly explain the basics of this beautiful water sport and you become to be for a while to a diver. If you're in the mood, we can outfit you with a thin insulating neopren suit and take you for a boat trip. We will then together discovering some open water cliffs and rock formations.



Then you can observe not only animals but also magical game of the light and shadows in the partially submerged canyons and holes in the rocks.


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Last change March, 1. 2017