


Brna, nearby cozy harbor tvillage breathes sleepy holiday atmosphere. From our base is just 3.5 km away and invites you for a walk. If you will take it, you'll go along beautiful bays in several metera above the sea level.



Houses in several rows line the bay, which is naturally the center and the periphery of the village at the same time. Although Brna does not have any "cultural" food, 2-3 quality restaurants and great ice cream is certainly worth a visit.



Brna is situated at the southern part of Korčula island in a beautiful bay surrounded by greenery and the Sun. At the western side is Mali Zaglav peninsula, which separates Brna from Istruga bay, whilst on the southeast side there are several pebble bays with the blueness of the sea. The Brna bay quite deep and sheltered and is therefore a safe port for ships and yachts. It is a favourite among the sailors.

The close by bay named Istruga, is 500 m long and 150 m wide. Half of the bay is covered by healthy liman mud, whose development process lasts at least thousand years.

Brna developed in 19th century as a port for transport of wine from Smokvica to ports on the Adriatic and Mediterranean coasts. In 1860 the maritime government built Brna waterfront with about 200 embarkations and disembarkations yearly. Wine, olive oil, pine cortex, pine logs for ship building and fire wood were exported. Everything that the inhabitants of Smokvica and island needed was importing here.

At a high land in the middle of the bay there is a small church of St. Stephen built in 1971. The legend says that Odysseus during his journeys visited Brna, anchored several days in front of the bay and enjoyed its beauty.

It is possible that the mermaids kept him company during his stay. According to a legend they are hiding at the bottom of the sea and are sun-bathing in nearby bays. This beautiful, well protected locality enabled development of this settlement from a fishing into a tourist centre. Today, Brna is a tourist destination with numerous facilities.



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